My passion and niche in life is to help small business owners (a.k.a. the backbone of America) support one another by using ITEX Barter Network as a means to maximize their sales, gain exposure and offset their expenses. For the past 19 years I have dedicated myself to teaching small business owners how to use a highbred yet seamless form of bartering in order to turn what they have into what they want and need. Bringing new customers and a new found revenue source to fellow business owners is very rewarding and the best part is that everybody benefits!
I believe that people either have the barter gene or they don’t; my barter gene is dominant… My license plates are "Trade Ya" and that is what I love to do! As a child trading Barbie dolls and other toys with the neighbors came natural. At my first job as a cashier at a carry out pizza parlor I found a way to use my bartering skills. When pizza got boring I would call local restaurants and set up trades; Chinese food, for pizza, ice cream for pizza, hot dogs for pizza you name it paid for in pizza! Everyone loved it, everyone benefited and no one got the short end of the stick. Those three points are the key to my success; trading must be a good fit for all!
Besides helping business owners connect, trade and save I have also realized my dream of writing and publishing a picture book for all ages called “Angels on Your Pillow” which focuses on bringing awareness to pure unconditional love in a playful way. My book was released at the end of 2016.
(847) 755-3000